For those requiring a little challenge with their sailing, join in our regular racing programme. With a range of race styles and events to suit all levels and experienced sailors offering advice both on and off the water (including during the race!). It won’t be long before you are enjoying the thrill of competing.
There aren’t any special requirements to enable you to race, other than being confident and having completed a learn to sail course. You could always crew for a more experienced sailor before setting out on your own in a boat to race. We encourage new racers and use the standard practise of a yellow ribbon being flown on the shroud to signal a new competitor. Find out more on our Start Racing page.
Look at the club Noticeboard for crews required, or try a club boat on a non racing day before launching into a race.
Racing takes place on Sundays, with a maximum of three races (dependent on weather, wind conditions and the series being sailed) and during the summer months on Wednesday evenings. There are some events on Saturdays in addition and the OOD for Saturdays will set simple short courses for you to practice with other sailors. So, what is stopping you? Have at look at the fleets racing and our race formats.
You may find the links to pages below helpful as well.