You may be a complete novice wanting to learn to sail (we are an accredited RYA Training Centre) or an occasional or social sailor who wishes to potter or practice, or an extremely experienced racer requiring some competition or race challenges. It may be that you just want to pop in for a drink and to talk sailing… we can provide it all. We even have opportunities for those who do not want to get wet whilst sailing, with our online racing and our radio controlled sailing fleets.
The Club has a busy sailing calendar with a number of social and fun sailing events as well as a range of courses to get you on the water. We can also mentor those starting to race, even during races, to ensure that everyone can get out on the water and enjoy their sailing whatever their experience, expertise or aspiration.
We also have a number of club boats available for Club Members to use at a nominal cost. The following links may help you find out more about to get involved on and off the water at Chelmarsh.